
lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

4º File of geographic accident

Desierto de Gobi

  Os voy a explicar primero que es una sombra topográfica por lo que el desierto es árido:
Una sombra topográfica es cuando la humedad y las nubes que vienen de un océano o mar, pasan por una cordillera grande (grupo de montañas grande) y tienen que subir. Toda la lluvia se descarga cuando la humedad y las nubes suben por esa cordillera, y cuando llegan al desierto lo único que queda es un viento seco que convierte el desierto en árido.

Sombra topográfica

It have much food for a lot of animals. Often times cheetahs and bears go to this desert.  There are some bush accustomed to the drought.

In the winter, the desert it have a lot of snow. You can see in this page.


domingo, 8 de diciembre de 2013

3º File of geographic accident

Hi! Today we're going to speak in English because we are bilingual people.

The lesson of today is about the "Sidney Harbour".
In this big gulf are a lot of gulfs inside.
At the weekend, a lot of people go to do katesurfing.
All 26 of December is a regatta of yachts.

You can see a video of the "Sidney harbourd" from a small plane.

 In  the New year more than a million of people in a spectacle of fireworks.


sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2013

2º File of geographic accident

Grand Canyon

This geographic accident is produce of the erosion. Millions of years ago, there was a river called "River Colorado", in this period of time, this river erosion a lot, and it forms "The grand canyon".

Like this, it forms "The Grand Canyon".

This is so beautiful. The lines on the high altitude of the canyon are because lot of years ago, the water was at theese level.
Every year, a staggering five million people flock to Arizona to see "The Grand Canyon".
You think that is not finish, but this is false. You can see ravens over you flying there.

Here you have a page of more information.